Ill speak with you later, okay? Meaning: A messExample of usage and translation: Me hairs all over the shop = My hair is a mess. IRISH SLANG: Top 80 words & phrases used in daily life Meaning: (Expression) The expression donkeys years in the Irish slang dictionary is used when a long time has gone without seeing another person or doing something a person wants. For example, Mary says John bungee jumped in Costa Rica last week, to which Patrick, who would never do a bungee jump, responds fair play to him. Most frequently, it is used in response to the questions Hows it going and How are you feeling? How are you doing today? Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. Your email address will not be published. But he was raging with her means he was so angry with her. Example: Youre so dope, you cant even pass a simple exam. Example: Quit slagging her. Can also describe someone who takes risks. Top 80 Irish Slang Words: The Gift of the Gab - Owlcation Surely your feet are dragging. Rainey weather type. Note: A lie. Howanever and anyways 12. If you think your new Irish friend is friendly, helpful or generally a good soul, you can describe them as 'sound'. Ah, another Irish proverb that describes something brilliant with a word that is actually used to describe something dangerous. When something is so incredible that its difficult to believe it, we use the adjective unreal. Dye see me new runners, for instance. For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang shifting is used when two people are making out. 125 Irish Slang Words and Phrases to Sound Like a True Local Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. This is one of those funny Irish phrases that an Irish parent will shout after their children when they insist on doing something that might hurt them. Say, Ah, stop, thats gas! , Emmas dog is gas, etc. Example: Lets go home. Meaning: (Noun) The term bog is an Irish word for people of the lowest class. Sure look, what can ye do? is one example. When someone is Acting the maggot, they are dossing or messing around, which means they are not carrying out their intended task. Ah bollix can also be used if you have forgotten something or done something wrong. Example: I heard you got promoted. I know. Or to tell someone to get sense about something. Can also be used to describe someone who isnt facing reality about something or a situation. Meaning: Little brats /little shitsExplanation: shitehawk can be used affectionately. For instance, Hes a terrible latchio., In other words, how are you? Example: Youre acting like a goon! This Irish slang dictionary will guide you through some of the common Irish slang phrases and words you may encounter during a trip to Ireland and will help you decipher and understand what is being said or referred to when you hear these terms. Boking/boke/boked - not the most pleasant thing 15. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish slang, the word clown is a person who is silly and loves to joke all the time. Example: Are you done with schoolwork? I don't know, but it sounds like some Irish slang I've heard my entire life. Meaning: (Adjective) The term shitehawk is used to describe the poorest of the poor. Meaning: (Noun) Sangers is the Irish slang for a sandwich. But, this expression means a certain person is moving on from a negative relationship or situation. For instance, Dont worry about it; its great., Up to 90 means completely occupied with something. Join our newsletter for exclusive features, tips, giveaways! 20. . Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Meaning: Shes overly excitedExample of usage and translation: Shes seen Jamie Dornan walking around Belfast and now she up to high doh.. Additionally, it occasionally tends to lead to some confusion. Maybe they are culchie. Example: Im glad to see you suckin diesel. They are not real. So, whats the craic? Top 10 Foods in Hawaii You Must Try 2023, [Best Hawaiian Songs] 20+ Most Famous Hawaiian Songs You Need to Hear (2023), Moving to Scotland & Pros and Cons of Living in Scotland, Dos and Donts in Hawaii Planning A Trip to Hawaii 2023, Top 8 Munich Attractions Every Local is Proud Of, Things Not To Do in Melbourne 13 Mistakes Tourists Make, The 10 Most Beautiful Towns in Netherlands 2023, 12 Most Beautiful Small Towns in Hawaii 2023, The History of Scottish Clans & 10 Most Common Scottish Surnames, [Hawaiian Beaches] 21 Best Beaches in Hawaii for a Memorable Trip 2023, [Hawaii Must Do] 21 Best Things To Do in Hawaii 2023. When referring to someone whose name you do not know or who you do not like, the phrase Yer wan or Your one is used. Topic: +100 Irish Slang Words To Sound Like A Local. Dye see yer wan over there with the red hat? is one example. After everything I have done for you! Howsagoin?! Example: The craic was 90 at your birthday party last night! With my guide to certain Irish lingo, you will understand what the phrases mean and fit right in! Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish says youre jammy, he or she means you are lucky. Same as whats the story. Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. My stomach hurts so badly. Your man who I purchased the car from is a serious Gombeen, I said. For example, that yoke over there means that thing over there but can also mean that person over there. Meaning: (Greeting) This Irish greeting is often used when a person comes home from the pub. Boke: Vomit. Scarlet Is an Irish slang word for embarrassed. Learn more? Example: What is this mess? Some of my favorites are listed below. Meaning: (Expression) A bad dose is one of the most used Irish expressions when someone is having a bad day. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang phrase leg it means that the person saying this to you wants you to move quickly or run to avoid being late. 600+ Fun, Interesting Irish Slang Terms | Thought Catalog For instance, Im going in there right now and eating his head off! Meaning: (Phrase) The Irish phrase be wide is what the locals used to tell a person to be careful. Whats the craic can also be used to say hello to someone meaning hi, any gossip/how is it going. sound out irish slang 05 Jun. Example: Its minus craic here. Example: Im up to high doh about this trip! Example: I heard he turned in to a skanger. I am not familiar with any books. , For instance, Oh, Kayla. Irish Translator - Fun Translations Tame. Example: Houl yer whisht! So, to have a bad dose means to have a bad case of the flu or a cold. all lured - feeling delighted banjaxed - a multipurpose word that can mean broken, tired or drunk be wide - be careful Shes away with the fairies An Irish expression used to describe someone who is living in their own little bubble (la la land) or isnt all there. 25. Irish Slang. How to understand Irish people's secret | by Caroline Hes a cute hoor that fella, for instance, and he always manages to score a free ticket to the concerts in Phoenix Park. Meaning: (Adjective) The word gobdaw is Irish slang thats used to describe a stupid person. For instance, Mrs. Hows she cutting? or Ive never tried that before, but Ill definitely give it a lash. Meaning: (Adjective) Kip is another slang term in Ireland used in everyday speech that means dirty. Shut your bake, you clown, for instance. Fair play This Irish phrase is used a lot to tell someone well done for something they have done, completed or achieved. Bollocks/bollix Can be used instead of saying bullshit. Meaning: (Verb) When visiting Ireland, youll often hear the word manky which is used to describe something dirty. Jammers when someone says it was jammers this means the bus/pub/train was packed with people. Example: The man you were with is gombeen. He wouldnt spend Christmas This slang Irish phrase is used to describe someone who is mean with their money. For our American readers, let me clarify that when we say dope in Ireland, we dont mean anything illegal. Since there are so many different ways to use the word craic, Im giving it its own section. mobile app, chipper = Local greasy food stand where you can get French fries. Example: That boy is thick. If you love the series Father Ted, then youll hear this expression often used throughout the series. Its gas! Shes a terrible wagon. I only have it for a week and its gone to shit. Hammered is the word Irish people use when they drink too much and get intoxicated. Meaning: (Noun) A pox is a slang used in Ireland for a person who causes nuisance. Where's your mot? Example: Youve been in your room faffing all day but failed to clean it! Hewya, me auld segotias An old Irish way of saying hi my friend. Im sure you two will get along. Young men and women are frequently referred to as youngfellas and youngwans, respectively. Nice person. Meaning: A person from the country, or basically anyone that comes from anywhere other than Dublin. Can you still walk? In Ireland, there are countless ways to describe something as great or good. Will you wait for me in this spot? A lot of the time, when Im speaking to someone who isnt Irish, I forget that the words Im using are actually slang. Meaning: (Expression) Go and bollox is the Irish way of saying you are not agreeing with what a person is saying to you. Shame the color is so awful. Broke: Embarrassed. Example: Its been a donkeys years since I had a day off. Meaning: (Adjective) When an Irish person says fine, he or she is referring to a beautiful person, thing, or place. But in Irish slang, savage means outstanding or amazing. Im very proud of him. Cheers, many thanks., To try something out means to take a shot of it. Im Scots and so much (maybe 70% ?) Meaning: (Expression) The expression good woman is an exclamation used when a person is surprised or in disbelief. The most comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Slang. She's only an aul wagon 8. Developed "straight from the horse's mouth". Dont go anywhere alone with him. These are all bad! Combine this piece of Irish slang with 'pound' (before 2002, the Irish currency used to be pounds) and . Meaning: (Expression) The expression the craic was 90 means that a person is having an exceptionally good time. Meaning: (Adjective) Mouldy or mullered is a term mostly used in Drogheda, Ireland, and is used to describe a drunk person. "Tommy, it's been donkey's years since you've been here!". Meaning: (Adjective) The word dote is used to describe a person who is adorable. Example: I cant stay here a second longer. Meaning: (Verb) The term dander is used in everyday conversation and means to walk.. The cure denotes a pint of beer/Guinness to cure the hangover. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyone's breath away. They have fought against the more powerful and oppressive British empire, whose members mostly derive from Anglo-Saxons. This place is kip! I got the job in the chipper, did you hear? Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase Lob the gob is Irish slang for kissing.. This one is typically used the morning following a strenuous session to explain why your head is pounding. The hostel were staying in is a kip and a half, for instance! Would you mind helping me carry my belongings? Oh, I do. Leave a door open unnecessarily in an Irish house and youll hear this expression coming your way. 50+ Best Irish Slang Words And Phrases To Try Out Thinking of going on a trip to Ireland and fit in with the locals? Youre one can short of six. So "have sohme fun with ooehr Oirish accent translator bot!" If you like our Irish why not create a great app with it by using our Irish API? I heard from Noley that you were attending to your hemorrhoids. if a person wants to try something and convinces another person that he or she could do it, he or she uses give me a shot.. Example: Lets not leave today. Translated: A stroll. Thanks a million! Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. 5863 , 65-70: Irish slang and expressions for addressing people Irish Slang Words, 7179: Irish slang for excellent Irish Slang Words, 15 BEST Castles In Ireland 2023 (with Photos), 8087: Irish slang for intoxicated Irish Slang Words, 88-89: Irish slang for a woman or girl Irish Slang Words, Ive never heard of the Irish slang between 90 and 93 Irish Slang Words, Slang from Belfast, 94101 Irish Slang Words. It is often used sarcastically. Ive missed you so! However, there are a few different ways youll hear it used more frequently: There is absolutely no way that I am doing that. I hope youre only making it up. However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: Even more deadly slang that is unique to Ireland and the Irish. Irish In origin. He still has his communion money Another expression used to describe a person who is tight with their money. See how hes pulling a beamer. Can you recommend any books about 18th century Irish speech? Example: Shes a cute hoor for always getting what she wants. And I can tell you its not only my family that does this. Meaning: (Noun) In Irish sayings, the word craic means the news, gossip, joke, or scoop spread by the word of mouth. If youre unfamiliar with the terms, Bollox or Bollocks refer to a mans testicles in slang. You are such a gobshite! Example: Theres no place for a latchio here! But be careful if trying to use it yourself as the person on the receiving end might take offense. Ah no. During my time in school, I used, and you can hear this one used. Meaning: (Adjective) Gobshite is used to describe an incompetent person. For example, its bloody freezing means it is really, really cold. Meaning: (Greeting) Howsagoin' is an Irish greeting when two people come across each other but dont have time to talk. At my previous job, I shared a building with about 250 individuals representing 34 nations. Example: My son is a chancer, alright. Example: Im glad to spend time with you this summer. Sure, yer one was caught shifting yer man last week, for instance. Example: Feck, I forgot to charge my phone! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 1222: Jokes and slang from Ireland that my nonIrish friends didnt understand when we first met Irish Slang Words, Common Irish proverbs that you hear every day from 23 to 36 Irish Slang Words, Craic, the most misunderstood Irish slang (verses 3740) Irish Slang Words, Common Irish expressions to use when referring to someone you dont like, from 41 to 56 Irish Slang Words, Dope (a word my aul lad frequently uses in Irish slang!) Donkeys years is a term for a lengthy period of time. Also, this expression can be used when you want someone to come near you, so you can say something to him or her. Meaning: (Noun) A melter is someone incredibly annoying that he or she might actually melt your brain. The Irish term is another word for a stupid person. One who resides in a far-off area of Ireland is referred to as a culchie. Anyone who lives outside of Dublin is typically referred to as A culchie by Dubliners. I would give him a solid kick up the hole if he were my own! A significant number of Irish slang words that I had never heard of were discovered by the Instagram post. For instance, That new full-back theyve brought on is pure class.. Hes a right chancer This Irish term is used when talking about someone who chances their arm. Im tired already! Stall the ball chief, Ill be there in 20, or Stall the ball a minute what did he say? are two examples. Meaning: shes an unfortunate looking girl wearing a lot of make-up to try and cover it up. Gas is used when someone or something is funny. It was 90 fun. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. Taking the piss People say someone was taking the piss when they mean they were either being silly/stupid or they are teasing you. If a teenager says theyve a free gaff it usually means their parents are away/out and a party may ensue. Donkey's Years. Example: Hey! Theres also the possibility of using this Irish proverb to describe someone who is bull-thick (aka angry). Gas If an Irish person says Thats gas, they are not referring to an actual gas, they mean something is funny! Example: This food is quality! Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, if one person calls you thick, he or she thinks you are stupid. 80+ Hilarious Irish Slang Words and Phrases and their Meanings For example, I managed to book tickets for that concert you were telling me about Paddy, to which Paddy replies deadly. It can be used in all manner of situations as an exasperation. Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. For instance, She ultimately passed her exams. Meaning: Well done!Example of usage and translation: Jaysus, you did well there, good woman yourself! = Jesus man, well done, congratulations!, Meaning: ThingyExample of usage and translation: Wheres that yoke gone? = Where has that random thing gone that I was looking for?, Meaning: My girlfriendNote: You can also refer to a group of females as mots., Meaning: VeryExample of usage and translation: Its fierce windy out = Its very windy outside, Meaning: Equivalent the F wordExample of usage and translation: wheres me bleedin phone? = Where my F****** phone?, Meaning: That sucks / How unfortunate for you. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase out of your tree is used when a person is severely drunk that he or she will most likely have a hangover the following day. Meaning: (Noun) A sleeveen is a person whos often rogue. Meaning: (Expression) The word cracking is another Irish slang for good. It is mostly used in Northern Ireland. Example: I cant believe youre graduating with the highest remarks. Locked is just one such term - others include mouldy, ossified, polluted, twisted and langers. Meaning: (Phrase) One of the Irish phrases that are popular anywhere in Ireland is Up to 90, which means a person is extremely busy and cannot be bothered. Required fields are marked *. Story horse? It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. Meaning: (Adjective) To many of us, deadly means something dangerous that could lead to death when done. The island comprises lush fields, but thousands of years ago, it was covered in a thick blanket of ice. This one is frequently used as an answer to questions like, How was work today? It goes like this: Ah, shtap sure Ive been up to 90 since half 7.. 7 Irish Slang Words To Sound Like A Local | My advice is not to use them unless you are certain of their meaning and the situation is appropriate. For instance, Mam made you some dinner. Later, Ill drop it off. Give it a lash This is used to tell someone to give it a go, try it, give it a whirl. Meaning: (Expression) Give me a shot is one of the most common Irish phrases youll hear when youre in Ireland. Bye, bye, bye, bye, bye One of my sisters in particular cannot hang up a phone call or WhatsApp conversation without at least saying bye five times or more. That must be why you have good penmanship. According to Irish Central, the craic was 90 signifies "the nirvana of craic," though it can also be used sarcastically. What are some must-know Irish slang words? : r/ireland - reddit Meaning: (Noun) The term glunterpeck is another word for a stupid person. The 20 Happiest Countries in the World, 2022, This Guide To Irish Slang and Insults Will Have You Downing Guinness With the Locals in a Flash, The Ultimate Guide To the Many Accents in Ireland, 12 Common Hand Gestures in the US That Will Insult People in Other Countries, 29 Phrases To Get You Started Learning Pidgin English, Does Duolingo Actually Work? 20 mad Dublin slang phrases that only make sense to locals 70+ Irish Slang Words and Phrases That Are Great Craic Let me help you with your things. He is an absolute melter. It can also be used in annoyance. Hes going home to a tongin from the wife. The TV is banjaxed simply means its not working. That new car Jerry picked up is cracking, for instance. Meaning: (Adjective) The Irish slang all lured denotes a feeling of delight towards someone or something. I might come here more. I clipped the wing mirror off the pillar yesterday, as an illustration. The term used to describe filthy or dung-filled people. To learn more about affiliate links, read my Disclosure Policy here. Example: You gowl! Meaning: (Noun) The word chiseler in the Irish language means a small child or a youngster. Whether it actually cures the hangover is up for debate. Contextualized as embarrassed. Sound Out - 1. I laughed until my belly hurt! Just substitute drunk in hes drunk or I was drunk with one of the following words: These Irish words and phrases include swear words or insults. About 20 times a day, I use this. Example: Wow, you are a ciotog. Used when it is raining especially hard outside. Here the top 80 most used Irish slang phrases. Our website is full of tips, reviews and travel deals to help you plan your next trip away. OK is grand. One of the most famous Irish words is 'grand.' Unfortunately it has a multitude of meanings depending on context. How ya getting on? So, if you are excited to learn about Irish slang words, lets start now! If someone says the craic was 90 it means the fun, laughter and joviality was amazing. Shamey Brannagin was once more caught stealing from Kerrigans, for instance. Meaning: (Greeting) The term story horse is used as a greeting and when a person invites you to tell him or her the latest gossip. Many of the words below were unfamiliar to me as well, but Ive included them in a section specifically for slang used in Belfast. In this case, we will define soft drinks according to Irish slang. I'm steamin' - you might hear this at the pub 18. Something that is dirty is referred to as manky. . Meaning: (Noun) A scut is a person who is deemed as stupid or a waste. Or something they themselves wouldnt attempt. Howaya! That is fatal. The most useless scut Ive ever seen. someone who wastes things. Deadly Indicates that something is cool or awesome. Meaning: (Adjective) Locked is another term used when a person is blackout drunk. Yes, its just spitting. Kip This Irish slang word has two meanings. Example: If we want to arrive on time, we need to leg it. , It is referred to as a yoke to describe the object. When you arrive in Ireland, particularly for the first time, you may be forgiven for thinking youve landed on an alien planet. For instance, Oh man, my heads are in shambles. If you want to visit Ireland and experience the culture, food, and history of the country, then you should get to know Irish slang words so you can sound like an Irish person. Ah here you can go and bollox if you think Im doing that., Ive a pain in me bollox with you/listening to you refers to annoyance with something or someone, This is yet another way to describe something that is filthy or in poor condition. Sound person. Meaning: (Expression) The expression bout ye means how are you doing? in Irish slang. Irish mammies say this when children are not paying attention or dont hear them and implies there is enough dirt in their ears, preventing them from listening, to grow potatoes. Fair play! He might act like a bollox, but he's sound out really. Banjaxed This is used to describe something that is broken or not working. Howya/Hewya How are you cobbled into a one-word expression. Example: I have never seen these people in the city. Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, dope has a different meaning from the American version of the word. Meaning: (Expression) The expression Did I fuck is used when a person sarcastically means he or she did not do the thing the other person was asking. He's a bleedin' dope 17. Example: have you seen a wean with bright red hair? It is often used vulgarly, but can also be used in day-to-day conversations. For instance, Last night was a serious one, but I was out of it and ordered 7 bags of chips on the way home.. Give it a lash! Example: 'He's not feeling the best today, he was locked last night.'. 20. I had a wild night last night. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear This is a common phrase youll hear older Irish people sayings which implies you cannot make something good from something that is naturally bad. This word is often associated with the expression go and bollox and is deemed offensive. This is a term that is frequently used in a crude manner, but it is also used in normal conversation. Example: You almost lost your passport? For instance, I gave him a kick in the bollox because he was slagging me.. These can be a derogatory term or meant lightly. The word comes from how Irish people pronounce idiot.. Feck/Friggin/Flippin All stem from fuck and are a lesser harsh version. 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